5 minutes:: 5 videos :: 5 names :: 5 talks :: 5 days
5 Minutos de Desenho was an online event organized by Drawing Research Group of the University of Lisbon (FBAUL) and broadcasted on FBAUL's Instagram. Inspired by the title of the radio show “5 Minutes of Jazz”, by José Duarte (Portugal), it aimed to disseminate academic research, artistic work or scientific articles in the field of Drawing through the presentation of 5-minute videos. The project last from 2020 to 2022. In two years, we totalised 104 guests (40% international), 157.000 impressions and 2.700 views per post on Instagram.
In the first week of each month 5 videos were presented on themes in the field of Drawing. In the second week, the authors of the videos participated in a live conversation with the organization of the event, allowing interaction with the public and the exploration of the theme presented in greater depth.
Inviting the participation of an international public, this project promoted research carried out on different continents, seeking to bring together institutions and researchers of different nationalities, encouraging the participation of students of various academic degrees.
The project was featured at the Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital, SIGraDi, International congress. Article here.
Roles: Reseacher, Executive coordinator, designer and curator.
Led interviews with artists: Dipali Dupta, João Catarino, Aline Basso, Anna Chan, Sam Winston, Cecília Corujo, Juan Cavia, Carolina Correia, Carol Prusa, Gary Embury, Gaia Alari, Kiah Kiean, Rita Sabler, Susana Chasse, sunWorks. Check more at 5md.belasartes.ulisboa.pt︎︎︎